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ATLAS è partner ufficiale di Peak Scientific!


Siamo lieti di annunciare che ATLAS è stato scelto come partner per la linea completa di generatori di gas PEAK SCIENTIFIC tra cui generatori di azoto, idrogeno e aria. Per saperne di più visita il sito ufficiale di Peak Scientific o contattaci.

ATLAS is the official distributor for SCION INSTRUMENTS!


We are pleased to announce that ATLAS has been chosen as the distributor for the complete line of SCION INSTRUMENTS analytical instruments including GC, GC analyzers, GC/MS, HPLC and data system software. To find out more, visit the official Scion Instruments website or contact us.

New consumables


ATLAS is proud to announce that it is a brand of high-quality consumables for GC, GC/MS and HPLC instrumentation.

New website


Welcome to our website!

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